The Bay of Islands Maritime Park AGM is Weds 30 Sept, 5.30-7.30pm at the Bay of Islands Yacht Club (a formal notice has been sent to recent and current members, others are most welcome to attend and can join at the door).

At the AGM we hope to be casting our votes for a new name for the organisation.

We are looking for a name that captures the vision:

Waking up with brimming biodiversity. Native naturally!

...and also acknowledges the mission statement:

Restoring native life on land, fresh water and sea. Dream by dream.

The name should be inclusive of all our activities – marine or freshwater - and will have a better connection with our full community. A sense of place is essential – the Bay of Islands. We’re seeking something more aspirational, more contemporary, something that rolls off the tongue.

If a consensus can be reached at the AGM, the name will be changed there and then. We'd love to hear your ideas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from which we can pull together a shortlist. Here are some suggestions to get the ball rolling…

  • Naturally Bay of Islands
  • Kura Taio Bay of Islands
  • Future Bay of Islands
  • Source, Bay of Islands
  • Restore, Bay of Islands
  • Treasures of Tangaroa
  • Something that includes Lifeforce/Mauri
  • Pristine Marine Bay of Islands Inc
  • Bay of Islands Protection
  • Bay of Islands Marine Wildlife Sanctuary Inc


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